Farming Long Haul by Elaine Kendall

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I have rethought the idea that we need to see domestic and commercial ag as entirely separate endeavors.  What we need to do to get where we want to go will take everyone working together (taking into account that some are striving for a living but will likely produce more, while others can contribute smaller quantities but also necessary inputs.)   With the thought that resilience to a large degree means that we need to be able to meet our own needs as much as possible, there are myriad ways, big and small, that we can contribute to our food system as a whole. 

Community Cohesion being a primary factor

Dependence on diversity

Storage crops (dehydration, fermentation etc.)

Fertility from resources on farm/garden

We need to work together to be resilient, especially in light of upcoming changes, seen and unforeseen. 

For Example:  CHICKENS (layers and broilers)

What would it take to provide all poultry needs locally?  Feed, replacement birds, slaughter …..

Feed:  can we grow the needed nutrients for chickens?  I’ve read that, on good pasture, birds get, at most, 30% of their nutritional needs met.  Could we identify what is grown here already and well as what could lend itself to growing viable alternatives here to produce a usable ration?

Replacement:  can we coordinate enough farms/individuals to be able to provide ourselves with high quality layers and broilers.  This would include the capacity to select for desired traits, breed, incubate etc.  Coordination would greatly enhance potential in this realm.

Written by Elaine Kendall

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253 Bushel Grain bin Project at Pear Point Farm


Victory Gardens